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Baku! Baku!
Summer 2000 (8.2)
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9 Contributors
10 Reader's
15 Editorial:
Baku! Baku! -
Betty Blair
16 Street
Scenes from Yesteryear:
Prints by Alakbar Rezaguliyev
20 Maiden's
22 Ichari
Shahar: The Heart
of Baku - Mir Teymur
26 Baku's Old
City: Kids' Impressions
in Art
28 The
Shirvanshah Complex:
The Splendor of the Middle Ages
32 Ancient
Prescriptions for Health:
The Aptek Museum and Bathhouse - Farid Alakbarov
36 Seaside
Boulevard: A Glimpse
Back Through History - Fuad Akhundov
40 Beautifying
the Bay: Environmental
Project Launched - Maarten A. Gischler
42 Mystery
of the Sunken Castle Sabayil: Questions Still Plague Archeologists - Sakina
46 The
Taghiyev National History Museum
48 National
Art Museum - Ibrahim
51 Baku's
Institute of Manuscripts
- Farid Alakbarov
56 A
Walk Through Baku's National Carpet Museum
60 The Opera
and Ballet Theater
62 Fantasia
Bathhouse and Tearoom
- Marjan Abadi and Farida Sadikhova
64 The
Akhundov: Baku's
Biggest Library Still Draws a Crowd - Leyla Gafurova
68 Museum
of Traditional Instruments
- Jala Garibova
70 The Passage:
Street Vendors
- Vafa Mastanova
72 Refugees
and Euphemisms
- Richard Holbrooke
74 "Ali
and Nino": The
Soul of a Caucasian - Book Review by Suleymanov
78 Scandinavian
Ancestry: Tracing
Roots to Azerbaijan - Thor Heyerdahl
84 Business & Opportunities
87 Map of Oil Contracts signed since 1994
88 Oil Contracts signed since 1994
90 BP Amoco
Current Developments
- Tamam Bayatli
96 2000 Bilingual Resource Directory
106 Foreign
Embassies in Baku
108 Azerbaijan's
Embassies in Abroad
109 Yesterday's Oil Barons' Residences, Today's Embassies
From Azerbaijan
(8.2) Summer 2000.
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