Autumn 2002 (10.3)
New Faces / New Places
Total Fina Elf
 Jean-Claude Nawrot has replaced Jean-Pierre Dolla as Total Fina
Elf's General Manager in Baku. Nawrot was previously with Total's
office in Gabon (West Africa) working on the Astrid Marin concession.
Total Fina Elf, one of the five largest publicly traded integrated
companies in the world, operates in more than 120 countries both
upstream and downstream. In 2001 the company's combined oil and
gas production amounted to 2.20 Mboed and proven reserves 10.98
Bboe. It also produced petrochemicals and plastics, intermediate
and performance polymers, and specialty chemicals for industrial
and consumer use. In Azerbaijan, Total Fina Elf operates the
Lankaran-Talysh project and is a partner in Shah Deniz and Absheron
and the recently formed BTC Pipeline Company. Contact: Total
Fina Elf, ISR Plaza, 7th Floor, 340 Nizami St., Tel: (994-12)
97-83-80; Fax: 97-13-35; TOTALFINAELF.com.
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