Azerbaijan International

The Caucasus - Where is it?

Jack Maresca"Where the Caucasus should be classified has been a puzzle since the dissolution of the USSR. Should we see it as a part of Europe or Asia, the Middle East or the former USSR? In fact, however, the Caucasus is a region between regions, one which both reflects and affects the political, economic and cultural currents in the areas which surround it. This means that what happens in the Cuacasus has an effect on Russia, Turkey, Iran and Iraq, as well as other neighboring states."


John J. Maresca, former U.S. Mediator on the Armenia - Azerbaijan conflict, speaking at the U.S.-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce Trade conference in Washington, D.C., on February 18, 1997.

Repeal of 907 - Presidential Waiver
"Section 907, passed in 1992, bans U.S. aid to the government of Azerbaijan. It was then, and still is, grossly unfair, since it is based on the incorrect assumption that Azerbaijan has been conducting 'offensive uses of force' in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Such denial of aid also goes against the American tradition of alleviating suffering to all victims of any conflict. This U.S. legislation undoubtedly contributes to the prolongation of the conflict and the suffering.

"Section 907 must either be repealed by Congress or waived by the President as soon as possible. This is an opportuhity for wise Presidential leadership and should be seized upon as soon as possible for the benefit of all the peoples of the Caucasus."

John Maresca speaking at a conference on U.S.-Azerbaijn relations sponsored by the U.S.-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C. on October 2, 1998. Ambassador Maresca is currectnly the Vice-President for International Relations.

From Azerbaijan International (6.3) Autumn 1998.
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