Azerbaijan International

Autumn 2002 (10.3)
Page 77

Business and Opportunities
The Little Prince

"The Little Prince," the famous children's book written and illustrated by Antoine de Saint-Exupery in 1943, has just been released for the first time in Azeri Latin. This 112-page translation was produced with the assistance of the French Embassy in Baku on the occasion of St.-Exupery's 100th Birthday. "The Little Prince" has already been translated from its original French into at least 130 languages; the translation from French to Azeri Latin was accomplished by father-and-daughter team Aziz Gozalov and Yagut Gurbanova, both of them professors at the University of Foreign Languages in Baku. "The Little Prince" and other Azeri literary titles are available at, click "Store", then "Books".

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