Autumn 2004 (12.3)
Documenting History
Priceless Legacy from our Parents and Grandparents
by Orysia Paszczak Tracz
 The following article
by Orysia Paszczak Tracz appeared in the Ukrainian Weekly (published
in New Jersey) on November 30, 2003 (Vol. 71: No. 48). We include
it here to encourage oral history projects to be undertaken in
Azerbaijan (another former Soviet republic) to document both
the social life of the Old City, which is changing rapidly, as
well as the tumultuous tragedies of the last century suffered
under the Soviet regime.
"No, I don't want to. And I can't. I just can't. After all
I've lived through, I want to remember the good times, happiness,
mostly now. My heart could not bear remembering and retelling
all those bitter stories..."
The elderly woman thanked me for inviting her to record her recollections
of the Holodomor (Famine Genocide of 1932-33), but she declined
to get involved. There had been the Holodomor, then World War
II, the Displaced Persons' camp and fear of repatriation, then
emigration to the United States, settling in a new land, and
the deaths of her husband, son and grandson. She wanted to remember
only the good times with her grandchildren and to block out any
other thoughts that weren't happy. While her husband had been
alive, the two of them used to sit and keep what she called an
"oral journal" about their memories. But now that he
was gone, she didn't want to dredge up those heart-wrenching
But someone must. Those experiences-those memories-are history.
In the introduction to the "Ten Testimonies of Survivors",
which I translated for the special Holodomor Issue of the Canadian
American Slavic Studies (Vol. 37, No. 3, Fall 2003), I noted:
"All the statistics, documents and studies in the world
are worthless without the first person accounts-without the survivor
and eyewitness testimonies of those who lived through the events.
There can be no history without the stories of the individuals
who were there."
This applies to any place and time, for example: the first emigration
from Ukraine, pioneer times, the mines and mills, World War I,
the years between the two world wars, Pacification, Holodomor,
World War II, UPA (Ukrains'ka Povstans'ka Armiya-Ukrainian Insurgent
Army), the underground, repatriation, exile to Siberia and Central
Asia, Soviet persecution and imprisonment, refugee camps, immigration
to North America, Soviet times and Polish post-war times for
those who remained back home, dissident experiences. Ukrainians
certainly have experienced more than their share of history in
their own lifetimes.
Documenting memories
 So take
out that tape recorder, or video camera, have some coffee or
tea, and sit down with your parents, elderly relatives and friends,
and start asking a few questions.
Left: Sculpture by Emin Guliyev,
artist in the Old City
Visit: AZgallery.
What is Baba's first memory? When did Dido start school? Where
did they live? What did they eat? What songs did they sing? How
many siblings were there? How did they eventually find their
way to America or Canada? Questions like that will get them started.
Documenting their lives orally is much easier than trying to
get them to write their stories. For most elderly people, that's
too intimidating and too difficult. The tape recorder can be
set up nearby, ready to be turned on at the appropriate moment.
If these individuals realize that family members are interested
in their lives, and told how important it is to the family and
community, they will be encouraged to tell their stories. Of
course, it will be difficult for them to remember and relive
the horrors. But the good times will also be remembered. Each
ordinary life is important, as it is a part of the greater whole.
It will be easier to get them to tell the stories in small segments,
over time. The tape can then be transcribed, typed out in Ukrainian
and then translated into English.
A booklet can be prepared for the family, and can include photographs
and maps. Such a project can remain a private family affair or
can be expanded into a genealogical record or an actual book.
So many times I've heard people express regret that they did
not listen to their elders' stories and write them down or tape
them. "And now it's too late..."
Oral History Projects
Recording and documenting historical personal experiences is
becoming very popular now. There are many memory projects. The
Library of Congress has its "American Memory: Historical
Collections" for the National Digital Library. The Dominion
Institute in Canada, in partnership with The Globe and Mail newspaper
has "The Memory Project" to provide Canadians with
a venue to share oral histories of their Canadian experience.
This project includes separate sections on "Passages to
Canada" and "Peace and War." The CBC (Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation) has just begun "Canada's War:
The Lost Color Archives", and is asking for wartime diaries,
films, photos, letters, to create a documentary to coincide with
the 60th Anniversary of D-Day.
The Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association (UCCLA) has
initiated the "Roll Call Project" in which they are
contacting thousands of Canadian families who are descendants
of Ukrainians and other Europeans imprisoned as "enemy aliens"
during Canada's first national internment operations of 1914-1920.
See UCCLA's Web site (UCCLA.ca). In Ukraine, a number of books
on wartime and Holodomor experiences have already been published.
Over the decades, many books in the Diaspora have covered the
same topics.
The Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies
published by the Concordia University Chair in Canadian Jewish
Studies in Montreal have launched a project entitled, "The
Memoirs of Holocaust Survivors in Canada" to enable them
to bring these eyewitness accounts to a wider audience. They
describe their mission: "Therefore, at irregular intervals,
time and funds permitting, they are making these memoirs available
in two forms: a small number of copies will be photocopied and
deposited in relevant libraries and Holocaust Centers; in addition,
the memoirs will be posted on the Internet: http://migs.concordia.ca/survivor.html."
When I see these kinds of projects and other memoirs about the
Holocaust and how widely they have been distributed, I cannot
help but think about how few projects there are about the experiences
of Ukrainians during the 20th century. There is so little material
in the English language-both are needed for general readers and
for academia.
Ukrainian material must be available in excellent English translations.
Our stories must be out there, printed and distributed by mainstream
publishers. Occasionally, over the decades, some memoirs have
been collected in the community, but these have been stored locally
and by now have mostly been forgotten. Of course, there have
been some excellent publications in English by Ukrainian academic
Perhaps, I'm naive, but I ask: why can't Ukrainian stories be
published the way some of the Polish combatants' memoirs have
recently been told. Why wouldn't a Holodomor survivor's story
not be as mind gripping as a Holocaust survivor's?
Our Ukrainian schools and youth and other organizations could
take on projects like this and go out into the community, after
being trained, and tape the life stories of family members and
the elderly. These could then be transcribed, edited and translated
by qualified personnel. This project could be coordinated nationally
and internationally by one of our major umbrella organizations,
university chairs or foundations.
What a project for cooperation and coordination among the many
groups. Surely, a philanthropist or foundation could help fund
such a project. Both American and Canadian-granting agencies
could be approached as these are the memories of citizens of
these countries. A memoir series could be published in translation
and posted on the Internet. The Ukrainian version could also
be published and posted online, for the benefit of those in Ukraine
and those learning English anywhere.
This could be a learning experience for us all, as well as a
teaching experience for the world. We need this individual documentation
of the Ukrainian 20th Century History. We must do it before it
is too late.
All the statistics, documents and studies in the world are
worthless without first person accounts-without the survivor
and eyewitness testimonies of those who lived through the events.
There can be no history without the stories of the individuals
who were there.
1. Ukrains'ka Povstans'ka Armiya (Ukrainian Insurgent Army).
Established in 1942 to fight against both the German and Soviet
occupational regimes, its immediate purpose was to protect the
Ukrainian population from German and Soviet repression and exploitation.
Its ultimate goal was an independent and unified Ukraine. Armed
struggle in Western Ukraine continued until 1954 (See Encyclopedia
of Ukraine (1993) and P. Sodol. "UPA: They Fought Hitler
and Stalin". New York, 1987).
2. Millions
of East Europeans, including Ukrainians were displaced during
WWII, especially by the Nazis, who took forced laborers from
Ukraine to Germany. After the war, most of them found themselves
in Germany and Austria, including about 3 million Ukrainians
(forced laborers and prisoners of war), survivors of Nazi concentration
camps (more than 200,000 Ukrainians), and those who had fled
their homes before the westward expansion of the Red Army. Many
were housed in Displaced Persons Camps run by UNRRA (United Nations
Relief and Rehabilitation Administration). These camps were usually
set up in former German army barracks. [Orysia, the author, lived
in one of these camps for four years].
The UNRRA worked to repatriate [house] all persons displaced
by the war. At Yalta, the Western Allies signed an agreement
with the Soviet Union, guaranteeing the repatriation of all Soviet
nationals. This term was understood, particularly by the Soviets,
to mean (if necessary) forcible repatriation.
Few refugees had any doubt about the harsh treatment (exile to
Siberia or execution) that they would receive if they returned
to the Soviet Union. Many committed suicide rather than risk
being returned to the USSR. As Americans became aware of the
tragic fate of those who returned, they stopped assisting the
(See N. Tolstoy. "Victims of Yalta", London, 1978;
J. Epstein. "Operation Keelhaul: the Story of Forced Repatriation
from 1944 to the Present", Old Greenwich, Conn., 1973).
"Ukraine During World War II: History and its Aftermath:
A Symposium", edited by Yury Boshyk with assistance from
Roman Waschuk and Andriy Wynnyckyj. Edmonton: Canadian Institute
of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, 1986.
Orysia Paszczak
Tracz was born in post-war Germany to parents who were forced
laborers during World War II. She came to the U.S. as a refugee,
grew up in New Jersey and now lives in Winnipeg, Canada. Orysia
is a writer, translator and lecturer. She works at the University
of Manitoba Library and leads an annual folk art and culture
tour to Ukraine, which is called: "Return to the Source".
She is the author of "Denied, Defiled, or Ignored: the Ukrainian
Famine of 1932-33-Fifty Years Later" originally published
by the Ukrainian Weekly and available on the WEB. Tracz has translated:
"Ukrainian Folk Costume" (1992), "Ukrainian Antiquities:
Folk Art of the Hutsul and Pokuttia Regions in Private Collections"
(2002), and "Painted Wood: Naïve Art of the Ukrainian
Village" (2003).
From Azerbaijan
(12.3) Autumn 2004.
© Azerbaijan International 2004. All rights reserved.
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