Azerbaijan International

Autumn 2003 (11.3)
Page 73

What's New in Print about Azerbaijan?
Mugham Music

Routledge Press has just published, "Song from the Land of Fire: Continuity and Change in Azerbaijani Mugham" by Inna Naroditskaya. This is part of Routledge's new series: Current Research in Ethnomusicology, which seeks to publish cutting-edge work by emerging scholars in the field of ethnomusicology. Other books in the series describe the music of Yugoslavia, Belarus, Brazil, Bali and Mindanao.

"Song from the Land of Fire" explores Azerbaijani musical culture, a subject previously unexamined by American and European scholars of ethnomusicology. It is the first monograph on Azerbaijani music in the English language.

The book contains notations of mugham performance-a fusion of traditional poetry and musical improvisation-and analysis of hybrid genres, such as mugham-operas and symphonic mugham by native composers.

Naroditskaya provides the historical and political contexts for mugham and profiles the musicians, musical genealogies and musical institutions of Azerbaijan. The book also includes an audio CD.

"Song from the Land of Fire: Continuity and Change in Azerbaijanian Mugham" by Inna Naroditskaya, Routledge: New York & London, 2003. Hard bound, ISBN 0-415-94021-4, photos, 288 pages, $80. Available at Barnes & Noble ( or, or directly from Routledge in the U.S. at (800) 634-7064. Visit:

Naroditskaya teaches at Northwestern University in Evanstan, Illinois. Contact:

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