Azerbaijan International

Autumn 2003 (11.3)
Page 73

What's New in Print about Azerbaijan?
Portuguese - Leyli & Majnun

The 12th century Azerbaijani poet Nizami's classic "Leyli & Majnun" has just made its debut in Portuguese in prose. Nizami (1140-1203) was from the city of Ganja in the northern part of Azerbaijan and penned this work in Persian, which was the literary language of his day.

The plot, based on an immortal love story, can best be compared to "Romeo and Juliet", although in oral Arabic tradition, the legend of "
Leyli and Majnun" predates Shakespeare by more than a thousand years.

This book also includes the lyrics of
Eric Clapton's popular song, "Layla", also translated into Portuguese. For the English story behind the creation of Clapton's lyrics, see "Crazy About 'Layla': Eric Clapton Song Inspired by Nizami, 12th century Azerbaijani Poet" in Azerbaijan International, AI 6.3 (Autumn 1998).

"Laila & Majnun: A Classical Historia de Amor Da Literatura Persa" by Nizami. Adapted in prose by Colin Turner, translated from English into Portuguese by Marissom Ricardo Roso. Published by Jorge Zahar: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2003. ISBN 85-7110-688-6, soft bound, 184 pages.

Contact: Jorge Zahar: Visit:

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