Spring 2003 (11.1)
New Faces / New Places
 Serdar Djanogullary has been appointed to replace Esra
Ozbay as the General Manager of Azercell Telecom JV. Prior to
his appointment, Djanogullary, 43, held the post of General Manager
of Moldcell (Moldova), which was founded by Fintur Holding. He
has an MBA in Sales and Marketing from U.S. International University
and a degree in Management Engineering from Istanbul Technical
University. From 1986 to 1991, Djanogullary worked for Home Fed
Bank in the United States in the field of commercial credit lending.
From 1991 to 2000, he was the General Manager of Kobey Corporation
(USA), a company that specializes in property management. Djanogullary
was born in Adana, Turkey. Contact: Azercell, 61A, Tbilisi Ave.,
Baku. Tel: (994-12) 96-70-07; Fax: 30-05-65; AZERCELL.com.
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