Winter 2000 (8.4)
Reader's Forum
Ali and
Nino - Best Love Story
just finished reading, "Ali and Nino". I wanted to
devour it in one night but found it was so beautiful that I decided
to read it more slowly and carefully together with my husband.
I have recommended the book to many people here in the U.S. as
well as abroad. It is truly one of the best love stories I have
ever read. My husband is from Iran and I am from Italy. We've
lived for a while in Iran although not in the Caucasus.
Thanks for Elin Suleymanov's book review, "Ali
and Nino - Inside the Soul of a Caucasian" in the Summer 2000 (AI 8.2) issue. I'll send it
to my friends and family. Thank you.
From Azerbaijan
(8.4) Winter 2000.
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