1999 (7.1)
 SOCAR Section
Eni -
Malaria Project
Eni, the Italian oil and natural gas company has joined the World
Health Organization (WHO) in financing a major Malaria Control
Project in Azerbaijan. In 1998, Azerbaijan reported 5,175 cases
of malaria; unfortunately, 20,000 cases are anticipated in 1999.
Particularly susceptible are refugees who have been housed in
camps close to marshy regions in Southern Azerbaijan and whose
immune systems have already been compromised because of inadequate
diet and poor health conditions.
The objective of the three-year project (estimated at more than
$757,000) is to support Azerbaijan's Ministry of Health in preventing
and controlling malaria by providing anti-malarial drugs, laboratory
equipment, insecticides and spraying equipment. Public health
personnel and community health care providers will be trained
to prevent and control malaria.
The project aims at achieving a 50 percent reduction of malaria
cases in targeted areas and is designed to prevent the spread
of malaria into uninfected parts of Azerbaijan and neighboring
From Azerbaijan
(7.1) Spring 1999.
© Azerbaijan International 1999. All rights reserved.
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