1998 (6.4)
Unocal's Community
 In 1997, Unocal designated US $1 million
in humanitarian aid to various United Nations and international
non-government organizations (NGOs) to improve medical care and
refugee housing in Azerbaijan. Most of the projects have now
been completed.
The largest portion of the donation, $430,000, was used to rehabilitate
109 single-family homes in the Fizuli District through the United
Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International
Rescue Committee (IRC). This region had been destroyed by the
Unocal has
invested $1 since late 1997 to help rehabilitate Azerbaijan's
refugees as nearly 1 million of them have been displaced from
their homes. Much of the funding has gone for housing.
In conjunction with the Azerbaijan Ministry of Health, Unocal
spent $200,000 to refurbish part of the Baku Central Tuberculosis
Clinic, completely renovating the therapy department, repairing
the heating system in the laboratory and children's department,
and painting the exterior of the building. New furnishings for
the surgical, intensive care and dispensary departments were
also provided, which included beds, bedside tables and chairs
as well as furniture for the doctors' and nurses' rooms.
With help from Azerbaijan's Ministry of Health and UNICEF, Unocal
selected the southern Jalilabad district for a primary health
care (PHC) reform program with $260,000. This program provided
essential drugs, basic medical equipment and supplies, office
equipment, printing materials and an off-road vehicle.
In addition, training in health and financial management was
provided for 48 staff members of the district health facilities.
Training also covered proper drug administration, immunization,
children's diseases and breastfeeding. In the Masalli district,
where UNICEF established a pilot of the PHC Program, Unocal's
funds enabled UNICEF to build an office in January 1998 from
which health officers manage their programs throughout the southern
Unocal also supported the construction and development of five
community centers at refugee settlements that were built by Relief
International ($80,000). Each community center, consisting of
two or three rooms, is designed to serve as a cultural center,
clinic, school or day-care center. In addition, a revolving loan
program was established for these centers to use for community
empowerment and development programs.
Unocal also gave a grant to Belgium-based Medecins sans Frontiers
(Doctors without Borders) with $10,000 to provide hygiene instruction
to refugee children to prevent further spread of scabies and
other diseases. This program utilized two Belgium clowns experienced
in health education, who conducted 28 shows for more than 9,000
From Azerbaijan
(6.4) Winter 1998.
© Azerbaijan International 1998. All rights reserved.
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