1998 (6.4)
Renovates TB Sanatorium
 In the summer of 1998,
Pennzoil donated funds for a major refurbishment
of the Children's Bone Tuberculosis Sanatorium which is named
after the famous pediatrician, Yevsey Guindes (1872-1954).
The Sanatorium is located in Zagulba in the outskirts of Baku
and was originally constructed with private funds in 1906 and
expanded in 1912 to treat children afflicted by bone tuberculosis.
Left: Stephen D. Chesbro,
President and Chief Operating Officer of Pennzoil, visits with
hospital staff on the occasion of the dedication of Pennzoil's
renovation of the Children's Bone Tuberculosis Sanatorium.
tuberculosis of the lungs is the most common form of tuberculosis,
bone tuberculosis is not uncommon in certain parts of the world.
This disease enters the bones and destroys the skeleton, as well
as spreading to other parts of the body. The children's bones
become very fragile, and they often have to be confined to bed
encased in plaster casts for a number of years. This disease
can be treated over a period of several years with antibiotics,
supplemented by proper care and nutrition.
According to Dr. Masrura Gamidzadeh, familiarly known as Sima
Khanum and head doctor at the Children's Bone Tuberculosis Sanatorium
since 1982, the facility has progressively deteriorated over
the years. With the independence of Azerbaijan, few funds were
available for the upkeep of the facility and adequate care of
the children.
Betty Effimoff, wife of Pennzoil's President Igor Effimoff, visited
the hospital in the spring of 1997. "I've been a nurse for
30 years," she commented, "but the equipment used here
predates my memory." Despite the deteriorated physical conditions,
she found that the place was clean and the children appeared
to be well cared for by a very dedicated staff.
With the approval
of Azerbaijan's Minister of Health, Dr. Ali Insanov, Pennzoil
contracted Mercy Corps International, a U.S. based humanitarian
organization to oversee the project. Mercy Corps utilized a work
force that was comprised mainly of internal refugees, who were
afforded not only the opportunity to earn salaries to support
their families, but also the chance to train in new professions.
The refurbishment included replacing the worn-out windows with
aluminum-framed, double-pane windows that were fabricated on
site. An antiquated, nonfunctional heating system was replaced
by a fully modern one. The patients now enjoy completely refurbished
living and health care quarters, a new kitchen, a supply of safe
drinking water, a fully functional electrical system, new shower
and toilet facilities with hot and cold running water.
The completion of the refurbishment was celebrated on October
27, 1998. "The refurbishment of the Sanatorium is a gift
from Pennzoil to the afflicted children of the Republic of Azerbaijan,"
Stephen D. Chesbro, President and Chief Operating Officer of
Pennzoil from Houston, who attended the ceremony. "We hope
this facility will help the children heal more rapidly and that
this facility will remain available to all the children of Azerbaijan
stricken with this illness until the disease is completely eradicated
from Azerbaijan."
From Azerbaijan
(6.4) Winter 1998.
© Azerbaijan International 1998. All rights reserved.
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